Saturday, July 21, 2012


I've been rambling a lot about awakening. I got a good dose of it from Mother Nature this morning. I went for usual swim at dawn only to find that Hong Kong is nailed by a typhoon. Westerners are becoming increasingly enamored with the concept of Feng Shui. While mental construct is intellectually stimulating, a visceral experience is both frightening & exhilirating. I was greeted by enormous swells & wind coming from the East. I got slammed pretty good but it's all good as I'm sitting here writing about it. Feng Shui literally means wind & water. In its essence, Feng Shui is about the movement of energy & the vitality of life. Life ends when it is devoid of movement. We all go through phases of our lives where we get stuck, stagnation reigns. Stuckness is a part of nature. Stuckness will change but not until it reaches its tipping point. I saw this firsthand last night. Just before a wicked storm, there's a period of eerie stillness. In the last few days, the sweltering heat has been heinous. Nothing moved. The smog & humidity has been so intense, I swore I saw it. The locals have a name for it, Mai; something like rice-fog. Then, in one moment, everything turned on a dime. Ferocious wind kicked up & a torrential downpour ensued unrelentingly. The sky was angry & we all rejoiced. It's like the plum tree enduring the bitter cold before the sweet fragrance of its blossoms. In the Tao of life, it's the Yin & the Yang. When one energy reaches its peak, it changes polarity not by choice but by necessity. Life is a self-regulating mechanism, we just have to follow the flow. So, no worries if you're stuck. Change is just around the corner whether you like it or not. It's the only constant in life.

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